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GTi updates card readers in 25 locations in just a few hours with the Spider Configuration App

GTi – the distributor of the Nayax digital solutions in France – faced a challenge when they had to update hundreds of their customers’ card readers across 25 locations.

two illustrated phones displaying the spider conifgurator app

GTi – the distributor of the Nayax digital solutions in France – faced a challenge when they had to update hundreds of their customers’ card readers across 25 locations. They couldn’t afford putting their customers through the inconvenience of disrupting their workflow by having costly technicians do this time-consuming task. Thankfully, GTi’s partnership with inepro provided them with the perfect solution.

The Challenge: updating card readers in 25 locations without disrupting workflow.

GTi had partnered with inepro to provide their customers with a single card reader that can manage multiple devices: a combination of the Nayax system with inepro’s Spider RFID reader. However, there seemed to be an issue with the configuration of the readers. “The cards were not being read, which means we had to change the configuration. So, the card readers needed an update. And this task needed to be done at 25 locations without disrupting the workflow of any of our customers,” says Ludovic Canivet, CTO at GTi.

The traditional way of updating card readers is to have technicians do the configurations. However, this would not only be a time-consuming and costly process, but also one that would be disruptive to the workflow of their customers – causing unnecessary inconvenience.

GTi’s partnership with inepro provided another perfect solution that would allow their customers to reconfigure the card readers in less time and causing no disruption to their workflow.

The Solution: Spider Configuration App cuts time from 2 weeks to just a few hours.

What used to be a time-consuming task, is now just a few simple clicks.

“With the Spider Configuration App, our customers could update the configuration of all the readers themselves without any help from technicians. That saves them a lot of time and money. Plus, everything could stay on the customers’ sites, which is extremely convenient for them of course,” explains Ludovic Canivet, CTO at GTi. “Without the Spider Configuration App, we’d need technicians to do the work and that would take around 2 weeks. But with the app, it was a matter of just a few hours. And because the readers don’t need to be disconnected for the updates, our customers could resume their work as planned. Our customers were satisfied.”

Below, you can see the efficiency of using the Spider Configuration App.

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The Benefits: easy, secure, and no disruption of your workflow.

Using the Spider Configuration App had many benefits for GTi and their customers. We’ve outlined a few of them below.

A simple process
Using this app is as easy as it gets. You open the Spider Configuration App, scan the QR code for the Spider, and hit apply. It’s that simple. A bonus is that the Spider RFID reader doesn’t need to be disconnected for the update of the configuration. This leads to our next point.

No disruption of the workflow
Because the Spider RFID reader doesn’t need to be disconnected for the update, the installation is not only quick but will also not disrupt a company’s workflow. Work can resume as planned.

High level of security
Using asymmetric encryption, man-in-the-middle (MITM) detection, unique keys, and other security standards, this app ensures high levels of security. Plus, sensitive user data won’t be saved.

Cut time and costs with the Spider Configuration App.

Replace a time-consuming and costly process with the convenience that our Spider Configuration App provides.

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